Banned from Twitter, President Trump lost the ability to communicate with over 88 million followers, the Facebook ban would have made this over 100 million. To discover if Americans are still interested in President Trump’s views, MOBOPINIONS conducted a quick poll on May 5th 2021 of 1,193 people across the USA, with a margin […]

Whilst allegations of postal vote irregularities and fraud continue, Ivan Greenwald, CEO of MOBOPINIONS, believes that the Trump campaign was in fact mostly affected by President Trump’s apparent disregard for COVID-19 and by him then being unable to campaign, after being positively diagnosed and hospitalized. Loss of faith in Trumps handling of the pandemic: In […]

Poll shows Trump reducing the Biden lead significantly, each week, meaning the election is likely to go wire and is too close to call. MOBOPINIONS ran two non traditional national, representative polls of 539 people, one week apart within 100’s of mobile apps to gather opinions from those typically missed by traditional online polling. The polls […]

The 2020 elections will be heavily impacted by the success or not in handling COVID-19, and campaigning may have to be very different. MOBOPINIONS asked 407 voters accross the United States “Do you think the 2020 Presidential Election should be delayed because of Corona?” Overall 51% said Yes and 49% said No Of those who […]